I would like to take this opportunity to explain the way we (The Board and Management) are now handling any complaints regarding another owner’s behavior with regard to violations of the CC&R’s. There will not be any discussion about an individual or their home during any part of an “open” Board meeting. This includes comments during the open forum. Owners will be encouraged to ask general questions about violations instead of specific questions about their neighbor.
There are very strict laws about the amount of information that can be released about an owner. These laws are to protect the owner’s right to privacy but sometimes owners that are asking about the status of a neighbor may see this as the Association attempting to hide their actions. An owner’s payment history, violations and Architectural requests are not matters that the Board or the Manager can discuss without the written consent of the owner.
If an owner inquires about the status of a violation for a home, other than their own, no information can be given except to advise that the matter is being addressed by the Association or that the matter is considered closed. This frustrates many owners when they see a problem and it appears that nothing is being done.
Please remember that just because you see a violation it doesn’t mean that nothing is being done. The owner may be in the process of being fined or may already have hundreds of dollars in fines for a violation. Because of privacy laws, you will only be told that it is being addressed. There could also be extenuating circumstances that have prevented the owner from complying in a timely fashion.
Another common misconception is when an owner sees something that is against the rules or CC&R’s and they assume that it must now be OK to do the same. You should NEVER assume that just because you see your neighbor doing something, that it was approved or accepted by the Association.
A link to the Nevada Revised Statues is provided on the Resources page to help owners more easily obtain the specific laws that govern our community.